Optimisation of observations and assessment of heritage structures
The project is aimed at optimising diagnostic procedures to improve efficiency and quality of preservation of heritage buildings at minimised costs. Investigated procedures cover visual inspections, surveys and monitoring focusing on non- and semi-destructive techniques. Project will provide operative methodologies and background information for decisions on diagnostics primarily of masonry and metal structures. The main outcomes include revisions of Czech standards and innovative measurement devices.
Project sub-goals include:
– Support for decisions on diagnostics and prioritization of interventions considering a type of historic structure, its conditions and its cultural and heritage value,
– Development of non- and semi-destructive methods for diagnostics,
– Proposals of structural and degradation models for prediction of deterioration,
– Optimisation of diagnostics by selecting suitable methods, structural members, cross-sections and frequency of observations,
– Compilation of background information for decisions on construction interventions and conceptual design of repairs.
Innovative procedures will decrease costs of diagnostic systems for heritage buildings and will have significant economic benefits by mitigating structural damage and failures. The developed methodologies will be verified by case studies and disseminated by scientific publications.
Conference papers:
Á. Rózsás, M. Sýkora. Propagating Snow Measurement Uncertainty to Structural Reliability by Statistical and Interval-based Approaches. In Proc. 7th International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC2016), Steffen Freitag, Rafi L. Muhanna, Robert L. Mullen (eds.), Bochum, 15-17 June 2016. Bo-chum: Ruhr University Bochum, p. 91-110, 2016
Project manager: Jana Pallierová, jana.pallierova@cvut.cz
Tel. +420 224 355 231
Projekt využívá pravděpodobnostních metod teorie spolehlivosti a rizikového inženýrství pro aplikovaný výzkum a ověřování bezpečnosti inovativních silničních svodidel. Bude navrženo inovativní svodidlo s vyšší bezpečností. Teoretické postupy a simulace umožní stanovit úroveň spolehlivosti konstrukce svodidla při různých typech mimořádných nárazů. Tato metodika se použije pro rozšíření validace nárazové zkoušky a pro možnost jejího nahrazení teoretickým výpočtem.
Cílem metodiky je poskytnout ucelený pohled na problematiku návrhu silničních svodidel doplněných o integrovanou protihlukovou stěnu. Navržená metodika přispívá k efektivnímu využití moderních nástrojů usnadňujících vývoj nových typů silničních záchytných systémů.
Metodika navrhování svodidel s PHS
Cílem metodiky je poskytnout ucelený pohled na současný stav problematiky ověřování silničních svodidel a možnosti simulace nárazových zkoušek do silničních svodidel pomocí metody konečných prvků.
Navržená metodika přispívá k efektivnímu využití moderních nástrojů při vývoji nových typů silničních záchytných systémů. I když spolehlivost nových typů svodidel nelze hodnotit a schvalovat pouze na základě teoretických postupů a provádění simulací nárazu, zde popsané metody je možné použít pro návrh konstrukce svodidla tak, aby jeho chování při nárazové zkoušce bylo v souladu s teoretickými předpoklady a s požadavky ČSN EN 1317 a dalších předpisů.
Metodika ověřování spolehlivosti svodidel
Software – Optimalizace úrovně zadržení silničních svodidel podle okolí PK
Softwary budou dostupné po zaškolení v Kloknerově ústavu, ČVUT v Praze, Více informací poskytne doc. Ing. Jana Marková, Ph.D., jana.markova@cvut.cz, + 420 224353501
The project is aimed at developing the methodology for safety and risk assessment of road bridges and tunnels exposed to extreme actions dueto terrorist attacks, accidental situations, or natural catastrophes. Identification of dangers and decisions concerning risk mitigation measures toimprove safety of critical infrastructures in transport is based on probabilistic assessment and optimisation of safety and risk. Societal, economicaland ecological consequences are taken into account.
The project addresses the urgent need for implementing principles of the assessment and verification of existing structures in practice in the Czech Republic and other partner countries. The project is supported by the Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers (ČKAIT). The project consortium, under the leadership of the Klokner Institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague (KI CTU), consists of the Secondary Technical School of Civil Engineering (CZ) and the research institutions and universities from four EU Member States (DE, ES, IT, NL) and one associated country (TR).
Assessment of existing structures is an urgent issue of a great economic significance in most countries around the world as more than 50 % of all construction activities concern existing buildings, bridges and other civil engineering works. Presently the Eurocodes which will be used in all CEN Member countries are primarily focused on the design of new structures. Additional operational rules for existing structures are still missing. The international standard ISO 13822 provides only general principles for the assessment of existing structures which should be further developed for their effective operational use in practice.
Střední průmyslová škola stavební, České Budějovice, CZ
Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen, Hochschule Regensburg, DE
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción E. Torroja (IETcc), Madrid, ES
Universit? di Pisa – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile – Strutture, IT
Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepastnatuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek, TNO Bouw, Delft, NL
Pamukkale University, Denizli, TR
First meeting in Prague (26.10.2011)
Second meeting in Pisa (8.-10.3.2012)
Third meeting in Barcelona (14.-16.6.2012)
First international seminar in Barcelona (14.6.2012)
National seminar in Prague (12.10.2011)
National seminar in Prague (18.4.2012)
Innovative Methods for the Assessment of Existing Structures
Dimitris Diamantidis, Milan Holický at al.
Cílem projektu je vytvoření chemicko-fyzikálního laboratorního centra vybaveného nejmodernějšími přístroji pro vývoj nových materiálů, technologií a metod pro dosažení dlouhodobé udržitelnosti stavební produkce, pro studium chování moderních i historických materiálů a konstrukcí při působení různých klimatických podmínek. Vytvoření specializovaného centra je součástí strategie, kterou ústav zvolil k cílenému soustředění svých kapacit na zvlášť perspektivní směry materiálového výzkumu ve stavebnictví a k efektivnějšímu přenosu výsledků základního výzkumu do praxe. Předmětem projektu je vytvoření chemicko-fyzikálního laboratorního centra pro výzkum (studium) silikátových materiálů využívaných ve stavebnictví. Projekt je realizován soustředěním současných kapacit Kloknerova ústavu ČVUT s chemicko-fyzikálním zaměřením a doplněním jejich experimentálních možností o přístroje a technické vybavení umožňující studium a analýzu chemicko-fyzikálních vlastností, interakcí a funkcí silikátových materiálů.
Projekt zahrnuje vybavení laboratoří novou technikou ? nákupem těchto přístrojů:
Více informací naleznete na : /veda-a-vyzkum/chemicko-fyzikalni-laboratorni-centrum
According to the results of expert’s analysis, the concrete production represents 7% of all CO2 emissions. The effort to reduce those harmful impacts leads the experts worldwide to search for the possibilities of savings in concrete consumption resulting in decrease of emissions. The results of such efforts lead to the change of silicate composites design, such as self compacting concrete (SCC), high strength concrete (HSC), high performance concrete (HPC) and ultra high performance concrete (UHPC).
Project is focused on the research of new UHPC composites reinforced with textile meshes and polymer fibres. It isassumed that these types of fibres enable the design of ultra thin structural concrete elements. The aim of the research is theoretical and experimental verification of UHPC matrix in combination with non conventional reinforcement and verification of structural behaviour and environmental parameters of ultra thin elements from optimized silicate composite designed from local materials. The aim of the research is the optimized design of very subtle UHPC elements in combination with textile mesh and short randomly distributed polymer fibres through experimental and numerical verification and with emphasis on environmental quality.
The project aim is to contribute to the improvement of efficiency, life extending, service reliability and efficiency of power-producing equipment in both classical and nuclear power stations. R & D of new technologies and materials will result in improving the competitive ability of producers and operators of power-producing equipment. The project will also contribute to educating a new generation of technical intelligence and to the development of deteriorating know-how in power engineering.
Recipient of grant FCE CTU in Prague
The other recipients ITAM AS CR, v.v.i. and CTU in Prague – Klokner Institute
Construction materials and structures are exposed to array of loads and effects which don’t cause critical defects or an immediate collapse but just after many reccurences of it or in a case of a synergy with other physical or chemical effects. Knowledges of this area are still very ununiform with a number of missing facts and interactions arised from the limited and fragmented research of particular and high-specified problems performed without wider and more considerable understanding of materiál complex and construction behaviour at surroundings. This project supporting excellences in a basic research deals with an evaluation of a long-term monitoring of surroundings which have effect on selected materials and structures; impacts of humidity and salts penetration to porous materials; fatigue problems caused by climatic load or by an effect and a methodology of an evaluation of studied materials and structures from the point of view of reliability and dangers.
The project will promote international activities of the Klokner Institute CTU in Prague, concerning development of the methodology for reliability analysis and risk assessment of structures in persistent and accidental design situations. The project team will participate in the international research within JCSS (Joint Committee for Structural Safety), particularly concerning the development of the Probabilistic Model Code. Advanced methods for structural verification including probabilistic methods and global resistance factor method for non-linear analyses will be improved.
The project promotes international activities of the Klokner Institute CTU in Prague, concerning development of the methodology for reliability analysis and risk assessment of structures in persistent and accidental design situations. The project team participates in the international research within JCSS (Joint Committee for Structural Safety), particularly concerning the development of the Probabilistic Model Code. Advanced methods for structural verification including probabilistic methods and global resistance factor method for non-linear analyses are improved.
The purpose of the project is to enable the production of high volume fly ash concrete, which will subsequently influence the following:
The aim of the project is to find suitable chemici admixtures, which eliminace negative impacts of overuse of non-cement binder on characteristics of fresh and hardened concrete. In addition, we want to create a system, which would enable to certify such designed and prepared concretes as a standard product.
Fire-resistant structures for tunnels using lightweight concrete Liapor
Development of structure concrete with lightweight aggregate is focused on the fire properties and the conditions of their application in tunnel structures. Ultimately, favourable thermal insulating characteristics of concrete with lightweight aggregate and its application in tunnel construction will lead to increase safety of tunnel structures.
Diagnostics and testing of existing structures in situ; modeling and research on existing and newly design bridges in flood regions. Application of results from modeling and research into projects and practical implementation.
The traffic engineering is also an important part of solving the noise problem. The level of noise and especially its limitations and impact on the environment, is increasingly of interest to professionals and the public. Among the important element of anti-noise measures include concrete noise barriers. The project will address the unique design of a new type of acoustic panel made from special acoustic concrete developed for this purpose.
The project goal is an analysis of transient vibration of structure under short-term dynamic load caused by an explosion pressure wave, impact effects or by technical or natural seismicity. This field includes such loads that are either extremely high and their impacts exceed the elastic deformation (e.g. explosions and earthquakes) or they are extremely low and they propagate into the structure from its environment as technical seismicity from transport and/or industrial operations. Regarding this range, the Project is oriented to improving the calculation model and on the influence of potential simplifications of these models; specification of a model key parameters according to the loading character and intensity and to the subsequant structure behaviour; verification of material characteristics of a structure – both of homogenous structures and of structures with various materials interaction. It is expected to apply numerical response analyses of selected structures, as well as the comparison of measured and calculated results of transport effects and by an explosion in situ.
Risk assessment of structures subjected to vehicular impacts is an urgent task in many countries including the Czech Republic. The project intends to improve available scientific knowledge and general procedures. Advanced probabilistic methods including Bayesian networks will be used to assess societal, economic and other consequences of adverse events and to provide background information for decision making. The project is focused on further development of probabilistic reliability analysis and risk assessment (models of impact forces, consequence analysis, risk assessment) as well as on development of tools for verification of structures in accidental design situations (improved design methods, guidelines for risk assessment). Available statistical data and records concerning impact forces will be critically evaluated using methods of mathematical statistics. Probabilistic analysis of accidental situations is based on the theory of structural reliability and risk assessment. The project includes also an important part devoted to risk optimization taking into account possible consequences of impact forces. Achieved results are verified using advanced simulation techniques. The project will contribute to further development of available methods of risk assessment of structures in accidental situations.
Recipient of grant Červenka Consulting s. r. o.
The other recipient CTU in Prague – Klokner Institute
Model uncertainties are an integral part of the present safety concept for design of reinforced concrete structures based on limit states. Assessment of the model uncertainty is becoming more important particularly for design assisted by numerical simulations of real structural beahviour, in which the increased model complexity is accompanied by increqased model uncertainty. A reduction of uncertainty in numerical models based on finite element method and constitutive lows for concrete, steel and their interaction can be achieved by validation of model assumptions by experimental data and numerical studies. The project is aimed at the analysis of model uncertainties, differentition of their sources and proposal of partial factors according to model complexity. It is expected that more realistic values of model uncertainties will facilitate better exploitation of advanced tools for numerical simulations of complex structures.
Reliability methods and risk assessment will be applied in the project together with the finite element methods for research and testing of innovative road safety barriers. On the basis of applied research will be designed a road barrier with higher safety parameters. Theoretical procedures and simulations will be used to specify adequate reliability level of barriers under impacts. This methodology will be used for crash tests validation extension and their replacement by calculations.
The project promoted new principles and findings in Eurocodes, ISO standards, working materials of JCSS a professional literature particularly to university students. Students in master and Ph.D. study programmes as well as experts from practice were provided with new advanced methods for reliability analysis of concrete and masonry buildings and bridges.
The main goal of the project is a production of precast units made of the Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC), which will be able to apply for bearing members of chosen structures. Knowledge related to production technology of UHPC material and production technology of precast members made from UHPC including curing will be reached at the end of the proposed project in December 2014. Knowledge of material behaviour, i.e. material properties necessary for structure analyses of precast members, will be reached. Obtained knowledge will be summarized in a methodology and technical specifications so that the production of structure members made from UHPC may be adopted into a civil engineering practice.
Project is focussed on the development of methodology for assessment of safety and working life of bridges with respect to serviceability requirements, actual properties of structural materials and adverse environmental effects. Results of long-term monitoring of temperatures, traffic loads and their effects on bridges will contribute to achievement of new knowledge about traffic loads, adverse environment, material properties and bridge behaviour. Probabilistic optimisation will be applied for assessment of partial factors and target reliabilities. New technical requirements will be developed for assessment of safety and remaining working life of existing bridges.
Software tools in Excel/Mathcad:
Optimalizace – softwarový produkt včetně nápovědy
If you are interested in these software tools, please contact assoc. prof. Jana Marková.
jana.markova@cvut.cz, + 420 224353501
The project addresses the urgent need for implementing principles of the assessment and verification of existing structures in practice in the Czech Republic and other partner countries. The project is supported by the Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers (ČKAIT). The project consortium, under the leadership of the Klokner Institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague (KI CTU), consists of the Secondary Technical School of Civil Engineering (CZ) and the research institutions and universities from four EU Member States (DE, ES, IT, NL) and one associated country (TR).
Recipient of grant NAUPO s.r.o.
The other recipient CTU in Prague – Klokner Institute
The presented project concerns new technologies of laminated thermally modified glass combined with other materials (resin and filling material). Both of them together form a new composite, sandwich, with new mechanical and aesthetical properties. First product was made according to a unique architectonic order with respect to the requirement of a foreign costumer. Considering the mechanical properties as well as the resistence to climatic influences, testing of the sample parameters in the laboratory conditions is essential in order to introduce the product to the internal and foreign trade. Experimental testing will be complemented with theoretical verifying calculations, the numerical characteristics will be derived from the test results. The project will be accomplished by the application for a Utility and Industrial Model and forming of the Technical Conditions for the production and design.
The project is mainly focused on the long lifetime study ? the thermodynamic stability of microstructure of special highly-consistent cement composites and their ability to avoid penetration of pollutants from outsider the disposal site. Furthermore, the project is focused on the concrete ? bentonite system study, or more precisely the interaction of the surface layers of both materials in different type of aggressive environment. The project will also consist of an experimental test of fluid and gas tightness of a cement matrix modified by special admixtures. The project will result in a proposal of composition of special highly-consistent composites connected via cement and experimental, or more precisely model proofs of its long-term stability and ability to avoid penetration extraneous substances.
The target reliability levels in present codes for structural design are mainly based on the calibration to past practice. The probabilistic optimisation in conjunction with the Life Quality Index concept seems to be a promising tool for specification of the relevant target reliabilities based on the socio-economic aspects. The project is aimed at improvements of available scientific knowledge and development of the new methodology for probabilistic optimisation of the target reliability for buildings and bridges. Partial topics concern research of risk and consequence analysis, and probabilistic optimisation. Achieved findings shall be published in scientific journals and presented at prestigious international conferences. Research outcomes are intended to be utilised in co-operation with international research organisations and offered to national and international standardisation bodies. It is expected that the optimised target reliability will yield significant societal and economic effects.
Protection and renewal of industrial heritage structures is an important contemporary task of architects, historians and civil engineers. An essential issue of reconversions is to guarantee adequate safety and working life while preserving authentic character of a structure.
The submitted project is thus focused on the development of methodology for the complex assessment of safety and working life of industrial heritage structures to facilitate their reconversions and integration into modern urban life. The main goal is to provide operational tools and background information for decision making concerning reconstructions and further use of these structures. The project outcomes will be applicable to masonry, concrete and steel industrial structures. The developed methodology for the assessment of industrial structures will also be applicable to other heritage structures. Findings of the project will be used in development of the National annex to ISO 13822 for heritage structures and supplements to Technical requirements for verification of existing bridges.
Partial goals of the project include development of:
– Models for basic variables and environmental effects,
– Methods for structural verification based on non- and semi-destructive testing,
– Methodology for efficient decisions about construction interventions using cost optimisation.
Application of innovative techniques based on reliability methods consistent with Eurocodes will lead to significant societal and economic benefits supporting further use of industrial areas in decline, reduction of costs of technical surveys and ecological benefits (reduction of material and energy consumption). Project findings will be verified by case studies, disseminated by scientific publications and utilised within tertiary and life-long education. Target group of the project includes professionals on protection of industrial heritage, designers, construction companies, responsible authorities, students etc.
The project is aimed at developing the methodology for safety and risk assessment of road bridges and tunnels exposed to extreme actions due to terrorist attacks, accidental situations, or natural catastrophes. Identification of dangers and decisions concerning risk mitigation measures to improve safety of critical infrastructures in transport is based on probabilistic assessment and optimisation of safety and risk. Societal, economical and ecological consequences are taken into account.
Recipient of grant FCE BUT in Brno
The other recipients CTU in Prague – Klokner Institute
The project verifies options of MicroWave predrying of openings in masonry during moisten masonry rehabilitation with usage of chemical groutings which are barriers protecting access moisture to the wall constriction. Based on the contemporary applicant´s knowledge and facilities and with usage if theoretical and experimental knowledge, the effectiveness of MW predrying will be verified with a view to appliance, functionality and effectiveness. Basic mechanical and physical characteristics of masonry are checked as well. The experimental verification will take place in laboratories of the Department of Building constructions (classification of moisture and sanitation effectiveness) and laboratories of the Klokner institute (masonry mechanical characteristics). Theoretical model of predrying effectiveness will use method of limit analysis and software, for instance Ansys, Athena. Theoretical model will follow experimental results.
The goal of the proposed project is the production of thin-walled shell prefabricated elements made of UHPC (Ultra-High Performance Concrete), which is new progressive material in civil engineering which allows designing very thin-walled structure elements. The research team will deal with technology of UHPC, mixing of its components, casting, treatment and curing of thin-walled prefabricates. Therefore, the optimization of UHPC prescription will be done in order to reach functional properties determined by statistic and environmental analyses of selected structure elements. The technological procedures will be design and all needed technologies will be prepared including formworks for prefabricates. The designed thin-walled structure elements will be subjected to loading tests and material properties of final UHPC, i.e. strength in compression and bending strength, modulus of elasticity, fracture energy and frost resistance, will be verified too.
Structural design and assessment of existing structures should consider extreme events including accidental impacts, gas explosions, fire, flooding and extreme climatic actions. Mostly, failures of structures exposed to the extreme events may hardly be completely prevented. However, consequences of the extreme event in case of sufficiently robust structures may be significantly reduced. Recent structural collapses in the Czech Republic and abroad indicate an urgent need for the development of methods for structural robustness assessment.
The project (2008?2011), based on multilateral collaboration amongst European research institutions involved in the COST Action TU0601, aims to improve the robustness assessment methods using recent scientific findings in the theory of reliability, risk analysis and probabilistic cost optimisation. Available informationconcerning response of structures under extreme events is critically reviewed and practical methods for the robustness assessment are developed taking into account conditions in the Czech Republic. Background information for national annexes and revisions of relevant EN Eurocodes will be provided to facilitate practical applications. Dissemination of achieved results will be accomplished through a seminar organised for practical engineers, by papers in professional journals, contributions at conferences and by software packages available on web sites of the project.