Science and research
Klokner Institute is one of the most important centers that its scientific – research activities focus mainly on the construction sector. Current research activities are mainly focused on direct cooperation with industry – leading construction companies, which research results put into practice and use them and increase their competitiveness in domestic and international scale. The Institute is working on a number of projects funded by various national and international agencies that support research and development. An important part of the scientific work of Klokner Institute, as well as of the entire CTU, contributing to the prestige and funding of schools and individual components, participation in international research and development projects, both within the EU and other international organizations (NATO, IAEA, ESA, etc. .), as well as under bilateral agreements. The Institute seeks to vigorously promote scientific research in basic and applied research, as well as specific networking and collaboration between commercial companies and research institutes. RA staff and PhD students regularly use the opportunity to participate in internal competitions maternity grant Universities.