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  • Accredited laboratory

    Accredited Testing Laboratory of Klokner Institute, accredited by CAI no. 1061

    CTU in Prague
    Klokner Institute
    Testing Laboratory of Klokner Institute
    Šolínova 7, 166 08 Prague 6
    Phone no. +420 224 353 537, fax. +420 224 353 537

    The laboratory is accredited by the Czech Accreditation Institute (CAI) according to ČSN EN ISO IIEC 17025:2005, with subject of accreditation: Mechanical and physical and rheological properties of building materials, static and dynamic tests of building constructions, parts and structure elements including dynamic effects investigation in the extent of the Annexe to the accreditation certificate.

    Certificate of Accreditation: validity to 11. 5. 2023

    Annexe to Accreditation Certificate: Accreditation certificate 2022 ENG

    The accredited testing laboratory of the Klokner Institute provides a series of material tests on concrete, mortar, masonry, steel, ceramics, wood and stone. The laboratory also has accredited methods for mechanical tests of electrical insulators, waterproofing, dripping of surface layers to their underlayment, and tests of moisture vapour transmission. Other methods are mainly related to static and dynamic loading tests, which can be performed on small structural elements directly at the Institute or in-situ, especially bridge loading tests. A detailed summary of accredited testing methods is contained in the Annexe to the Accreditation Certificate issued by CAI (the valid annexe can be downloaded from www.cia.cz).


    • Tests on concrete and mortar mixtures (compressive strength, tensile strength, bending strength, elastic modulus, frost resistance, changes in volume),
    • Quality investigations of cable elements and prestressing cables,
    • Tests on welded reinforcement of concrete,
    • Tests on anchor systems,
    • Static loading tests on bridges,
    • Dynamic loading tests on building structures, and assessment of effects of machine vibration on structures and on human beings,
    • Tests on electrical insulators in tension, compression, bending and torsion,
    • Quality assessment of building materials on the basis of laboratory experiments (concrete, mortar, stone, wood, masonryelements and masonry structures),
    • Assessments of resistance of materials to penetrationby water vapour.