Department of Structural Reliability
Main research activities of the department are focused on structural reliability and risk assessment in civil engineering. The department also participates in development of national and international standards and their implementation into the system of Czech standards.
The department participates in international research and educational projects under the programs COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), Lifelong Learning Program ? Leonardo da Vinci a eea/norway grants. Members of the department are active in international research organizations (RILEM, JCSS, CIB, fib).
The department together with the Czech Chamber of Charted Engineers CKAIT and the standardisation body UNMZ organizes seminars and short term education courses in the field of basis of design and actions on structures.
Optimisation of observations and assessment of heritage structures
The project is aimed at optimising diagnostic procedures to improve efficiency and quality of preservation of heritage buildings at minimised costs. Investigated procedures cover visual inspections, surveys and monitoring focusing on non- and semi-destructive techniques. Project will provide operative methodologies and background information for decisions on diagnostics primarily of masonry and metal structures. The main outcomes include revisions of Czech standards and innovative measurement devices.
Project sub-goals include:
– Support for decisions on diagnostics and prioritization of interventions considering a type of historic structure, its conditions and its cultural and heritage value,
– Development of non- and semi-destructive methods for diagnostics,
– Proposals of structural and degradation models for prediction of deterioration,
– Optimisation of diagnostics by selecting suitable methods, structural members, cross-sections and frequency of observations,
– Compilation of background information for decisions on construction interventions and conceptual design of repairs.
Innovative procedures will decrease costs of diagnostic systems for heritage buildings and will have significant economic benefits by mitigating structural damage and failures. The developed methodologies will be verified by case studies and disseminated by scientific publications.
Conference papers:
Á. Rózsás, M. Sýkora. Propagating Snow Measurement Uncertainty to Structural Reliability by Statistical and Interval-based Approaches. In Proc. 7th International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC2016), Steffen Freitag, Rafi L. Muhanna, Robert L. Mullen (eds.), Bochum, 15-17 June 2016. Bo-chum: Ruhr University Bochum, p. 91-110, 2016
Project manager: Jana Pallierová,
Tel. +420 224 355 231
Leonadro da Vinci ? Innovation Transfer in Risk Assessment and Management of Aging Infrastructures
Project description
The project aims at the development and dissemination of vocational training materials on risk assessment and management of aging infrastructure. The project target group consists of engineers, designers, technicians, and representatives of public authorities involved in planning and risk-based management of infrastructures. Selected materials will be also transferred to undergraduate and graduate students. The project consortium involves the Klokner Institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ), Secondary Technical School in Construction in České Budějovice (CZ), E. Torroja Institute for construction science in Madrid (ES), and civil enginnering departments of Hochschule Regensburg (DE), University of Pisa (IT) and Pamukkale University (TR). The key products will be practical handbooks, software tools, web-sites, e-learning, courses and seminars organized in the partners´ countries, and can also be offered to other European countries through the work of code committees, lectures and the project web-sites.
Project websites:
Pdf file with information about the project: available only in czech
SummaryThe project is aimed at developing the methodology for safety and risk assessment of road bridges and tunnels exposed to extreme actions dueto terrorist attacks, accidental situations, or natural catastrophes. Identification of dangers and decisions concerning risk mitigation measures toimprove safety of critical infrastructures in transport is based on probabilistic assessment and optimisation of safety and risk. Societal, economicaland ecological consequences are taken into account.
Vocational Training in Assessment of Existing Structures
The project addresses the urgent need for implementing principles of the assessment and verification of existing structures in practice in the Czech Republic and other partner countries. The project is supported by the Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers (ČKAIT). The project consortium, under the leadership of the Klokner Institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague (KI CTU), consists of the Secondary Technical School of Civil Engineering (CZ) and the research institutions and universities from four EU Member States (DE, ES, IT, NL) and one associated country (TR).
TAČR TA01031314
Optimisation of Safety and Reliability for Existing Bridges
Project is focused on the development of methodology for assessment of safety and working life of bridges with respect to serviceability requirements, actual properties of structural materials and adverse environmental effects. Results of long-term monitoring of temperatures, traffic loads and their effects on bridges will contribute to achievement of new knowledge about traffic loads, adverse environment, material properties and bridge behaviour. Probabilistic optimisation will be applied for assessment of partial factors and target reliabilities. New technical requirements will be developed for assessment of safety and remaining working life of existing bridges.
Software tools in Excel:
data updating
Software tools in Mathcad:
If you are interested in these software tools, please contact assoc. prof. Jana Marková.
INGO LG11043
The project promotes international activities of the Klokner Institute CTU in Prague, concerning development of the methodology for reliability analysis and risk assessment of structures in persistent and accidental design situations. The project team participates in the international research within JCSS (Joint Committee for Structural Safety), particularly concerning the development of the Probabilistic Model Code. Advanced methods for structural verification including probabilistic methods and global resistance factor method for non-linear analyses are improved.
FRVS 2202/2010
Transfer of Innovations Provided in Eurocodes
The project outcomes include vocational training materials based on the documents of the international research organization Joint Committee on Structural Safety JCSS and international research projects, selected outcomes of another project of the Leonardo da Vinci programme completed by five of the partners in 2008-2010, and also on the background documents to new European and international standards.
Available innovations are being adapted for needs of education and training of civil engineers, designers, technicians, teachers in technical schools, officers of public authorities, and also for students at secondary technical schools.
Robustness of Structures
Structural design and assessment of existing structures should consider extreme events including accidental impacts, gas explosions, fire, flooding and extreme climatic actions. Mostly, failures of structures exposed to the extreme events may hardly be completely prevented. However, consequences of the extreme event in case of sufficiently robust structures may be significantly reduced. Recent structural collapses in the Czech Republic and abroad indicate an urgent need for the development of methods for structural robustness assessment.
The project (2008?2011), based on multilateral collaboration amongst European research institutions involved in the COST Action TU0601, aims to improve the robustness assessment methods using recent scientific findings in the theory of reliability, risk analysis and probabilistic cost optimisation. Available informationconcerning response of structures under extreme events is critically reviewed and practical methods for the robustness assessment are developed taking into account conditions in the Czech Republic. Background information for national annexes and revisions of relevant EN Eurocodes will be provided to facilitate practical applications. Dissemination of achieved results will be accomplished through a seminar organised for practical engineers, by papers in professional journals, contributions at conferences and by software packages available on web sites of the project.
Name | Position | Phone | |
prof. Ing. Milan Holický, DrSc., PhD | Head of department | | 420 224 353 842 |
doc. Ing. Marková Jana, Ph.D. | Deputy head of department | | 420 224 353 501 |
Ing. Jung Karel, Ph.D. | Researcher | | 420 224 353 850 |
doc. Ing. Sýkora Miroslav, Ph.D. | Researcher | | 420 224 353 850 |
Ing. Jan Krejsa | Doctoral student | | 420 224 353 504 |
Ing. Jan Mlčoch | Doctoral student | | 420 224 353 504 |
Pallierová Jana | Technician | | 420 224 355 231 |