Research work contracted by a client from the Czech Republic
Client |
Research title |
AEG projekt s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
ASLB s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Ateliér Slavíček | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Betotech s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Carpet Invest s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Cemmac a.s. | Material research and testing |
Com-Pakt Energy a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
ČAS | Standardise |
ČSOB a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. | Testing of structures in situ |
Edifice Bohdalec, s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Edifice Development s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Eurovia | Testing of structures in situ |
Eurovia CS a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Letohrad | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Likal | Material research and testing |
M. Šimek | Material research and testing |
MČ Praha 6 | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
MDS projekt s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
MDS projekt s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
MDS projekt s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
MDS projekt s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
MDS Projekt s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
MDS projekt s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
MDS projekt s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
MDS projekt s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Město Nymburk | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Město Plaňany | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Metrostav a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Mott Mac Donald s.r.o. | Testing of structures in situ |
Němec Polák s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Novák partner s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Novák partner s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
OHL ŽS a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Policie ČR | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Policie ČR | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Pontex s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Pontex s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Pontex s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Pontex s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Pontex s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Pontex s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Pontex s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Pontex s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Pražská správa nemovitostí | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Prodin a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Property Klárov a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Property Klárov a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Red Group | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
ŘSD ČR | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Saint-Gobain | Material research and testing |
Satpo Sacre s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Sev.en Engineering s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Scheys Beton | Material research and testing |
Silnice Group | Testing of structures in situ |
Silnice Group a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Skanska a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
SMP CZ a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Správa úložišť rad. odpadu | Material research and testing |
Strabag a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Sudop Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Sudop Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
SUPŠ Karlovy Vary | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
SŽDC Praha s.p. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
SŽDC Praha s.p. | Testing of structures in situ |
SŽDC Praha s.p. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
SŽDC Praha s.p. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
SŽDC Praha s.p. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
SŽDC Praha s.p. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
TaK s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
TaK s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
TaK s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
TCG | Material research and testing |
TCG s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
TopCon servis s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TopCon servis s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
UTAM | Material research and testing |
VUT Brno | Material research and testing |
YIT Stavo s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Client |
Research title |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
SŽDC Praha s.p. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Eurovia CS a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
CB Profil a.s. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Němec Polák s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
KŠ Prefa s.r.o. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Aréna Liberec s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Metrostav a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Správa silnic Pardubického kraje | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. | Testing of structures in situ |
Moravský zemský archiv | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Lesy ČR s.p. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
SŽDC Praha s.p. | Testing of structures in situ |
Ústav chemie a biochemie | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Policie ČR | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
VUT Brno | Material research and testing |
ŘSD ČR a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
ŘSD ČR a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Metroprojekt Praha a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Firesta, Fišer?s.r.o. | Testing of structures in situ |
Novák Partner s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
ŘSD ČR a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
YIT Stavo s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Novák Partner s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Sweco Hydroprojekt a.s. | Material research and testing |
CB Profil a.s. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Pontex s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Němec Polák s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Pontex s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Pontex s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Metrostav a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
AF-Cityplan | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
SV Zlonická | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Škoda Doosan Power s.r.o. | Testing of structures in situ |
MDS projekty s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Hotel Mandarini | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
MČ Praha 6 | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
D.I.Seven s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Cementárna LafargeHolcim | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
TCG s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Novák partner s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Agrom s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
UNMZ | Standardization |
ÚOCHB s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Lázeňská investiční s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Mott Mc Donald CZ s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
MDS projekt s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
MDS projekt s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
ŘSD ČR a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Mott McDonald CZ s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Zakládání staveb a.s. | Material research and testing |
Aliacem Přerov s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Ústav chemie a biochemie | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Karlovarský kraj | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Stas s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Client |
Research title |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
ŘSD ČR a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
ČEZ a.s. Tušimice | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
SN Hradec Králové | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
SMP CZ a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
ČEZ a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
SŽDC Praha s.p. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Měst Most | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Metrostav a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
VUAB Pharma a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
G-Ream a.s. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Gemo Olomouc s.r.o. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Zakládání staveb a.s. | Material research and testing |
Ing. Vácha s.r.o. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Metrostav a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
TaK Architekti s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Skanska a.s. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Firesta, Fišer?s.r.o. | Testing of structures in situ |
VVISS s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Pontex s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Sudop Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Metrostav a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
M3M s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
M3M s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Státní oblastní archiv | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
SŽDC Praha s.p. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Metrostav a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Skanska a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Města Příbram | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Schoeller Centrum s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Stavební úřad Praha 8 | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Fact s.r.o. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Adv. kancelář Brož s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Pontex s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
MÚ Příbram | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Pontex s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
MDS projekt s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
ŘSD ČR a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Hloubětín 61 s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Sokolovská uhelná s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Robert Bosch s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Loxia s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
CTP Invest s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Client |
Research title |
Pontex s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
DAM s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Mondi Štětí a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Mondi Štětí a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
ŘSD ČR a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
DaM, spol. s r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Správa a údržba jihočeského kraje | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Správa a údržba Jihočeského kraje | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Skanska Reality s.r.o. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Betotech s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
TSK Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
SUDOP Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
PSN s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
VUT Brno | Material research and testing |
Bogl & Krýsl s.r.o. | Testing of structures in situ |
Eurovia CS a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
KB Blok a.s. | Material research and testing |
Novák partner s.r.o. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Rephana Hotel a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
TopCon servis s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Projekt OKV s.r.o. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Skanska a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Červenka Consulting s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Avena s.r.o. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Sudop Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Merced a.s. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Bogl&Krýsl a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Betotech s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Českomoravský beton a.s. | Material research and testing |
Fronius ČR a.s. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Schindler Seko Architekti s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Ing. Vávra Roman | Material research and testing |
Sipral a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Znamení čtyř s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Rephana Hotels a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Obermeyer Albis s.r.o. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
B2K s.r.o. | Testing of structures in situ |
BBJ-Quality Polsko | Material research and testing |
Dvořák partner s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
MDS projekt s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Client |
Research title |
Metroprojekt Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Metroprojekt a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Žilinská univerzita | Testing of structures in situ |
Zakládání staveb a.s. | Material research and testing |
Sudop Praha a.s. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
AF Cityplan s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Cementárna Hranice | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Bogl&Krýsl a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Chryso Chemie s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
CBRE s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Skanska a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Metrostav a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
TopCon servis s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Červenka Consulting s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Betotech s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
IKEM | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
ÚNMZ | Standardization |
Eurovia a.s. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |
Seele Pilsen | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
KODL s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Qualiform | Material research and testing |
Metrostav a.s. | Material research and testing |
Novák a partner s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of bridges |
Metrostav a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Strabag a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Real Developments Design s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Metrostav a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
CTP Invest s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
Metrostav a.s. | Testing of structures in situ |
Stachema Kolín s.r.o. | Material research and testing |
Mesit Reality s.r.o. | Diagnostic and assessment of structures |
KSK- Belt s.r.o. | Assessment and testing of structures in laboratory |