• Čeština
  • English
  • Research work contracted by a client from the Czech Republic







    Research title

    AEG projekt s.r.o. Material research and testing
    ASLB s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Ateliér Slavíček Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Betotech s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Carpet Invest s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Cemmac a.s. Material research and testing
    Com-Pakt Energy a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    ČAS Standardise
    ČSOB a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. Testing of structures in situ
    Edifice Bohdalec, s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Edifice Development s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Eurovia Testing of structures in situ
    Eurovia CS a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Letohrad Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Likal Material research and testing
    M. Šimek Material research and testing
    MČ Praha 6 Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    MDS projekt s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    MDS projekt s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    MDS projekt s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    MDS projekt s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    MDS Projekt s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    MDS projekt s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    MDS projekt s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    MDS projekt s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Město Nymburk Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Město Plaňany Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Metrostav a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Mott Mac Donald s.r.o. Testing of structures in situ
    Němec Polák s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Novák partner s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Novák partner s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    OHL ŽS a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Policie ČR Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Policie ČR Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Pontex s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Pontex s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Pontex s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Pontex s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Pontex s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Pontex s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Pontex s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Pontex s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Pražská správa nemovitostí Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Prodin a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Property Klárov a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Property Klárov a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Red Group Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    ŘSD ČR Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Saint-Gobain Material research and testing
    Satpo Sacre s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Sev.en Engineering s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Scheys Beton Material research and testing
    Silnice Group Testing of structures in situ
    Silnice Group a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Skanska a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    SMP CZ a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Správa úložišť rad. odpadu Material research and testing
    Strabag a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Sudop Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Sudop Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    SUPŠ Karlovy Vary Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    SŽDC Praha  s.p. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    SŽDC Praha s.p. Testing of structures in situ
    SŽDC Praha s.p. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    SŽDC Praha s.p. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    SŽDC Praha s.p. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    SŽDC Praha s.p. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    TaK s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    TaK s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    TaK s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    TCG Material research and testing
    TCG s.r.o. Material research and testing
    TopCon servis s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TopCon servis s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    UTAM Material research and testing
    VUT Brno Material research and testing
    YIT Stavo s.r.o. Material research and testing


    Research title

    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    SŽDC Praha s.p. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Eurovia CS a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    CB Profil a.s. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Němec Polák s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    KŠ Prefa s.r.o. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Aréna Liberec s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Metrostav a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Správa silnic Pardubického kraje Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. Testing of structures in situ
    Moravský zemský archiv Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Lesy ČR s.p. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    SŽDC Praha s.p. Testing of structures in situ
    Ústav chemie a biochemie Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Policie ČR Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    VUT Brno Material research and testing
    ŘSD ČR a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    ŘSD ČR a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Metroprojekt Praha a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Firesta, Fišer?s.r.o. Testing of structures in situ
    Novák Partner s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    ŘSD ČR a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    YIT Stavo s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Novák Partner s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Sweco Hydroprojekt a.s. Material research and testing
    CB Profil a.s. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Pontex s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Němec Polák s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Pontex s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Pontex s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Metrostav a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    AF-Cityplan Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    SV Zlonická Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Škoda Doosan Power s.r.o. Testing of structures in situ
    MDS projekty s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Hotel Mandarini Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    MČ Praha 6 Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    D.I.Seven s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Cementárna LafargeHolcim Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    TCG s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Novák partner s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Agrom s.r.o. Material research and testing
    UNMZ Standardization
    ÚOCHB s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Lázeňská investiční s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Mott Mc Donald CZ s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    MDS projekt s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    MDS projekt s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    ŘSD ČR a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Mott McDonald CZ s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Zakládání staveb a.s. Material research and testing
    Aliacem Přerov s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Ústav chemie a biochemie Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Karlovarský kraj Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Stas s.r.o. Material research and testing


    Research title

    TSK Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    ŘSD ČR a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    ČEZ a.s. Tušimice Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    SN Hradec Králové Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    SMP CZ a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    ČEZ a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    SŽDC Praha s.p. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Měst Most Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Metrostav a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    VUAB Pharma a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    G-Ream a.s. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Gemo Olomouc s.r.o. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Zakládání staveb a.s. Material research and testing
    Ing. Vácha s.r.o. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Metrostav a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    TaK Architekti s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Skanska a.s. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Firesta, Fišer?s.r.o. Testing of structures in situ
    VVISS s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Pontex s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Sudop Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Metrostav a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    M3M s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    M3M s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Státní oblastní archiv Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    SŽDC Praha s.p. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Metrostav a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Skanska a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Města Příbram Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Schoeller Centrum s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Stavební úřad Praha 8 Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Fact s.r.o. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Adv. kancelář Brož s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Pontex s.r.o. Material research and testing
    MÚ Příbram Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Pontex s.r.o. Material research and testing
    MDS projekt s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    ŘSD ČR a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Hloubětín 61 s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Sokolovská uhelná s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Robert Bosch s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Loxia s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    CTP Invest s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures


    Research title

    Pontex s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    DAM s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Mondi Štětí a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Mondi Štětí a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    ŘSD ČR a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    DaM, spol. s r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Správa a údržba jihočeského kraje Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Správa a údržba Jihočeského kraje Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Skanska Reality s.r.o. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Betotech s.r.o. Material research and testing
    TSK Praha  a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    SUDOP Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    PSN s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    VUT Brno Material research and testing
    Bogl & Krýsl s.r.o. Testing of structures in situ
    Eurovia CS a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    KB Blok a.s. Material research and testing
    Novák partner s.r.o. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Rephana Hotel a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    TopCon servis s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Projekt OKV s.r.o. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Skanska a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Červenka Consulting s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Avena s.r.o. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Sudop Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Merced a.s. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Bogl&Krýsl a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Betotech s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Českomoravský beton a.s. Material research and testing
    Fronius ČR a.s. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Schindler Seko Architekti s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Ing. Vávra Roman Material research and testing
    Sipral a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Znamení čtyř s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Rephana Hotels a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Obermeyer Albis s.r.o. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    B2K s.r.o. Testing of structures in situ
    BBJ-Quality Polsko Material research and testing
    Dvořák partner s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    MDS projekt s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges


    Research title

    Metroprojekt Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Metroprojekt a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Žilinská univerzita Testing of structures in situ
    Zakládání staveb a.s. Material research and testing
    Sudop Praha a.s. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    AF Cityplan s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Cementárna Hranice Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Bogl&Krýsl a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Chryso Chemie s.r.o. Material research and testing
    CBRE s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Skanska a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Metrostav a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    TopCon servis s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Červenka Consulting s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Betotech  s.r.o. Material research and testing
    IKEM Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    ÚNMZ Standardization
    Eurovia a.s. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory
    Seele Pilsen Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    KODL s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Qualiform Material research and testing
    Metrostav a.s. Material research and testing
    Novák a partner  s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of bridges
    Metrostav a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Strabag a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Real Developments Design s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Metrostav a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    CTP Invest s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    Metrostav a.s. Testing of structures in situ
    Stachema Kolín s.r.o. Material research and testing
    Mesit Reality s.r.o. Diagnostic and assessment of structures
    KSK- Belt s.r.o. Assessment  and testing of structures in laboratory